June 21, 2011

Calm, Mute, Moving. A second game poem for the Atari VCS

Calm, Mute, Moving.
Hey all,

I've finished the game poem for the Atari 2600, second of a triptych, "Calm, Mute, Moving." All the files you will need for this are found in My Works.

My favorite part is the addition of the breath-controlled cigarette controller. You will find the directions on how to build that controller with the game files (it's simpler to build than you might think).

I am hoping to write up a post-mortum or something similar soon, when I have the time available to devote to it, but for right now, I was too excited to leave this game poem unpublished, so all of you that are wanting to experience it, please do, and don't be afraid to let me know what you think!

Happy summer solstice,



  1. It's a poem using the Atari 2600 as a medium. Check out the directions for a brief explanation of the game itself, or check out the write-up for "Indentures at an Exhibition" for a more detailed explanation of the process.


  2. OK, I did read it. The how-to on building the cigarette controller was pretty interesting.


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