June 21, 2011

Calm, Mute, Moving. A second game poem for the Atari VCS

Calm, Mute, Moving.
Hey all,

I've finished the game poem for the Atari 2600, second of a triptych, "Calm, Mute, Moving." All the files you will need for this are found in My Works.

My favorite part is the addition of the breath-controlled cigarette controller. You will find the directions on how to build that controller with the game files (it's simpler to build than you might think).

I am hoping to write up a post-mortum or something similar soon, when I have the time available to devote to it, but for right now, I was too excited to leave this game poem unpublished, so all of you that are wanting to experience it, please do, and don't be afraid to let me know what you think!

Happy summer solstice,


June 19, 2011

Breath-Controlled Cigarette Controller for Atari 2600

Hey all,

After finishing the code for my second Atari 2600 game poem, I began building the required breath-controlled cigarette controller. The prototype was successful, and you can view a very brief demo here: 

When all is ready, I will release the game as well as the directions for building this controller.  I am excited to get this project wrapped up!


June 15, 2011

Creativity in Perspective

60 Black Boards
Oil on wood, 1"x2"x8' & 4'

Commissioned by the owner of A.G. Exhibitions for $120, each unique board represents a piece of the new framework of American business culture, with a straight and colorless practice that excludes creativity within productivity. Holes are drilled in each piece at precise intervals to represent the holes inherent in their design, and a new way in which we can screw these business practices with our expressive freedom. These pieces will be on tour in the Kentuckiana region this summer, with a stop at the Kentucky State Fair in Louisville.

June 9, 2011

The Future of Moments

What does your future hold for you?

Rapturous doom, the end of the world? Fortune beyond prosperity? Complacency? Objective reality? Anarchy? Malarkey? These are things I cannot tell you.

What I can say is that based on current trends, the way in which we communicate is shifting rapidly toward a paradigm with an unimaginably high level of efficiency. "How so?" you ask. Here's my take on it, which goes way beyond acronymed chat-abbreviates such as LOL, ROTFL, and others that make this Gen-Xer ponder "Whisky Tango Foxtrot."

I'm thinking of a form so condensed as to kiss the alpha(and numeric)bet goodbye forever. I'm thinking about this:

QR barcode

Take a look at any package you've received in the mail lately, and you're likely to have seen one of these. This unobtrusive but certainly complex barcode can represent potentially thousands of alphanumeric characters in the space of a square inch. Can you read it? I can't. Can the robots read it? Probably. And this will be humankind's ultimate doom.

I'm kidding, of course.


The real point is, printed messages are being transmitted right before our eyes, and we are missing out on so much potential information that, through no fault of our own (we don't learn barcode-ese in grade school), we run the risk of being left behind.

Okay, you're right; I'm being ridiculous. Regardless, I believe the barcode to be an incredibly interesting constrained medium in which to work, and that is what we will do for this round of Moment art.

If you have a fancy future-phone, you can download an app to read these barcodes, and for generation online (for free) I found an excellent one here: ZXing QR Code Generator, just choose the text option.

Depending on the size of the barcode, you are limited in alphanumeric character count, but as far as imaginative and creative play are concerned, there are effectively no limits to what you can create with these barcode Moments. The QR barcode (pictured above) is often used for website or personal information marketing, but that certainly isn't fun at all. Instead, create a poem, a short story, a rant, applaud, a recipe, or a journal entry.

Given enough time, you could write a book like Trisha Barnes, or create incredible art like Scott Blake, but for now, we will stick to our short and simple Moment art practice since for most of us, a single moment in the day is all we can afford.

When you're done, print your barcode on sticky label paper, and stick these Moments randomly on desks, telephone poles, bus stops (please check with local posting laws; I am not condoning breaking the law!) so that those in the know, those with the fancy future-phones, can scan this barcode and experience your Moment as you have lived it. Then, of course, get back to your daily grind, because if you don't, then the robots will sure take over. Fortunately for us, we'll be able to read it coming.

Now to be fair, that barcode displayed above is my Moment.